SID Database - Features Archives: SECRET AGENT 21   








LATEST UPDATES: MARCH 9, 2025: "Only Acceptable Course of Action", by Shades /// FEBRUARY 14, 2025: FAN FICTION: "Many Ways to Say it And Some of Them Involves Words", by Shades - VALENTINE DAY FAN FICTION: "Five Very Important Words", by Shades - "The Valentine Tiger", by Cwissy /// JANUARY 30, 2025: CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE ENDS! Reposting of 10 stories from the first decade of Spectrum HQ: "The Gift of Oneself", "Darkness of the Mind" and "Christmas Lights", by Marion Woods - "I'll be Home for Christmas", by Tiger Jackson - "The Spirit of Christmas", by Alan J. Porter - "The Society for the Prevention of Bah'Humbug", by Sage Harper - "Twisted Trinity" and "The Vigil", by Skybase Girl", "Underground Heroics", by Kimberly Murphy - "Have You Got a Light?" by Marizel /// DECEMBER 31, 2024: CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE: "Spectrum Reconstructed!" Unofficial 2025 Captain Scarlet Calendar, by Clya Brown, with the collaboration of Chris Bishop, Caroline Smith and Hazel Köhler /// DECEMBER 25, 2024: CHRISTMAS FAN FICTION CHALLENGE: First stories posted: "Duty of Care", by Shades - "The True Spirit of Christmas", by Marion Woods - "A Christmas Modelling Bee", by Cwissy /// DECEMBER 1rst, 2024: CHRISTMAS FAN FICTION CHALLENGE now launched! See the page for information on how to participate! /// NOVEMBER 13, 2024: HALLOWEEN FAN FICTION CHALLENGE: "Kokkino", by Sharn - New arts posted on the HALLOWEEN IMAGES page /// NOVEMBER 3rd, 2024: HALLOWEEN FAN FICTION CHALLENGE: "Secrets", by Shades /// OCTOBER 26, 2024: HALLOWEEN FAN FICTION CHALLENGE: "Autres Temps, Autres Moeurs", by Clya Brown - "Athena and Edwin", by Cwissy ///



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FEATURES (Non Fan fiction):


SECRET AGENT 21  Suitable for all readers

A feature by Keith Ansell, presenting the world of Brent Cleever, the titular hero of 'Secret Agent 21' the longest running strip of the Century 21 magazine. (Previously appeared in the first issue of the Portal 31 fanzine. Part of the  Unity City Features now on this website)  Posted April 29, 2014.


THE SECRET AGENT 21 DOSSIER  Suitable for all readers

Follow-up to the previous feature, also by Keith Ansell, which gives a summary of all of Secret Agent 21's missions and adventures.  (Previously appeared in the first issue of the Portal 31 fanzine. Part of the  Unity City Features now on this website)  Posted April 29, 2014.







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